So I thought I'd sort of leave it all to chance.
I put in a request to either go part-time or be able to leave everyday at 3 to pick up my daughter from work.
If they told me to go part-time, I'd give up on the egg donation thing because I'd lose my insurance.
If they wanted me to stay full-time, I'd have my benefits and could continue to pursue it.
Leave the decision in the hands of people who know nothing about this whole episode.
(Actually, they might have an idea. I've told two people at work the details, one or two who probably know the details, and a bunch who probably don't know anything. I'm not opposed to anyone knowing about it, per se, but I really don't want to tell anyone else. If I tell someone, it's like an open invitation for them to give me their opinion. And I don't need that. But I do believe it's in my best interest for my bosses to not know about this.)
OK ... well, I thought they were going to take me up on the part-time offer. It's a great deal for them: Cut my pay 20 percent but get all the work done.
But there's some resistance. I'm not 100 percent sure why. Maybe they need me to pick up work that used to be done by people who have left. I have a meeting set up because my boss wants to talk to me about it.
So, it looks like it's not going to be that easy for me to pawn off the decisionmaking to chance.
I'm going to have to make the call.
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
as someone who's had the pleasure of working with you years ago, i know it'd be tough to find the right person to do even some of your job, especially in this climate.
Good luck. I'll think good thoughts for you and Fate. You'll make the right decision (or your boss will help you along with that decision.) I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. Don't sweat. It's all part of the journey. (How many clique, but true phrases can I fit into one comment?) Seriously, good luck!
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